Wednesday 30 November 2011

China cleaning up Beijing in 2010

Prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympics the Chinese government had agreed to clean-up Beijing for a 'safe' and 'healthy' Olympic games. They drew out several plans on how they can modernise Beijing in a such short amount of time.
One plan was to have every Beijing river and lake clean and pollution free by 2010. However with 90% of China's rivers and lakes being polluted, this was a very ambitious goal. Making the matter worse, in Beijing 1.28 billion tonnes of sewage are produced each year polluting 55% of the major waterway systems.The government planned that by the year of 2010 50% of the water used in downtown Beijing will be recycled with 99% of downtown Beijing's rubbish being properly processed.

Before the Olympic Games began China planned to clean-up the amjority of its air pollution. They cut down on many of the factories in use such as Pepsi and Coca Cola's Beijing factories. They removed 60,000 taxi's and buses off the streets and invested billions in a project called cloud seeding. Cloud seeding is weather modification where they can almost control the weather by planting substances into the cloud leading to reduced pollution around the area it is used in. Beijing used the worlds biggest Cloud Seeding system, and fired Iodide sticks into the sky above Beijing inducing artificial snowfall which ended a 4 month drought in Beijing. 

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